updated 5/03/03 ++
I've made a pretty big update this time by adding a lot of written information! =) The "Intro" section now links to a handy Introduction to Slayers, which contains information about the series. The article also includes a large Character List, complete with a biography for every major character in Slayers. o_O; Needless to say, it took me a really long time to write/format, so I hope that it's helpful! That's all for this update!
updated 3/14/03 ++
After nearly half a year (O_X), Livin' Wild is finally back online! I sincerely apologize to those who had been visiting this website frequently... the thing is, I ran into some host problems and my website eventually got deleted. But anyhoo, Livin' Wild has returned, with a fresh new look! (Feel free to comment on this layout!) I joined the lively crew of Slayers fanatics over at dramata.org, which is where my collective is hosted at. I definitely recommend that you visit dramata.org; it's a huge project dedicated to uniting great Slayers websites!
Finally, I urge you to look around, as this place has been cleaned up and re-organized quite a bit! Destructive Ways, Golden Dragon, White Magic, Noble Pudding, and Masked Love are back online as well, so please visit them! Thanks! ^^